You Are Invited to Create Your Citizens Portal Account!

The Tribal Council and I are excited to unveil a new feature on our Tribal website, the Citizen’s Portal. The portal will only be accessible to Tribal members and will create a way for you to stay informed on the Tribe. 

The goal of the Citizen’s Portal is to make it easier for all of our tribal members to stay involved in Tribal matters with the hope of building a tribe of many. In this portal you can expect to find important and confidential items like council meeting minutes and information on funds, programs and resources only available to you, our citizens. 

In addition, this portal will house other resources, including entrepreneurial opportunities and educational information. You’ll also begin to see more video updates from me and the Tribal Council on the latest developments for the Tribe and our progress. 

My hope is that this Citizen’s Portal increases our transparency and communication. Below you will find the steps to create your account. Please follow all of these steps and reach out to our Membership Director, Leslie Bonnette, if you have additional questions. 

Chairman Marshall Pierite

Registration will require: 

  • Your tribal roll number, an active e-mail address and a password of your choice.

Please note – The Citizens Portal contains financial and other sensitive information that should not be shared with non-tribal citizens. The Citizens Portal is intended for tribal citizens only and a tribal roll number will be required to create a login. For this reason, spouses, parents and guardians who are not tribal citizens will not be permitted to access the portal. 

Directions on setting up your account:

To access your account from the Tunica-Biloxi website’s home page:

  • Go to and click “Log In” at the top right, under the “Log In Here” title. 
  • Select “Click Here to Request Access to the Citizen’s Portal
  • To create your account, you will be asked to enter:
    • Your Tribal roll number – this will allow the Tribe to confirm your membership
    • An active e-mail address
    • A password of your choosing
  • You will need to agree to the Privacy Policy, which, in short, states that you agree, and are under legal obligation, not share any of the information in this portal with anyone outside of the Tribe or to release your login information to anyone outside of the Tribe. 
  • The Citizens Portal contains financial and other sensitive information that should not be shared with non-Tribal members. The Citizens Portal is intended for Tribal Members only, spouses, parents and guardians will not be permitted to access the Portal. 
  • Once you have signed up, please allow the Tribe 24-48 hours to verify your account. 

If you have any questions or need assistance getting access to the portal, please contact our Membership Director, Leslie Bonnette at

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