Tunica-Biloxi Veterans Memorial Survey

Greetings Tribal Families,

The Tribe is quite excited to announce the Museum Project Uplift for 2022-23.  It is a positive indication that we are ready to place the last three years of the pandemic in our rearview mirror for good, as we look to the future and moving the tribe forward.  The facelift will include:

·       Updates to the “Memorial Wall” and “Tribal Council Wall” exhibits. 

·       Two new exhibits, featuring “Our Tribal Base Roll” and the “Native American Warrior Wall” will create a beacon of light.  The exhibits recognized those that were instrumental in gaining federal recognition, as well as honoring our native warriors for their unwavering service, as exemplary members and representatives for Indian Country and to all Americans. 

We are aiming for an early 2023 unveiling.  The new exhibits will add an innovative touch and a much-needed improvement, with an emphasis on our Native American culture, leaders and our people.  The museum gift shop is scheduling to open simultaneously and will feature a new online store option.

We are asking our families to help us identify our military warriors, by completing the attached form and submit by November 28th.  List name, military branch, whether active, retired, or deceased, and the time served.  The names and information will appear under the appropriate branch.  For any questions, please email Elder Council Chairwoman, Joanie Arteta, at jarteta@tunica.org.

Many thanks,

Elders Council and Museum Committee

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