USET hosts a Tribal Utility Finance Form at Paragon Casino Resort May 16 – 17
The Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana will host the United South & Eastern Tribes (USET) annual Tribal Utility Finance Form (TUFF) on May 16 – 17 from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Paragon Casino Resort to discuss Tribal Nation funding and utility access. USET is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the federally recognized Indian tribes in the southern and eastern portions of the United States.
“Because of our dedication to one another, we come together to connect with our ancestral roots and focus on bettering Indian Country,” said Marshall Pierite, Chairman of the Tunica Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana, which owns Paragon Casino Resort. “We are grateful for the opportunity to host this national-scale forum and welcome various tribal communities to our homelands in Avoyelles Parish. Hopefully, all attendees will gain valuable insight into the history of our Tribe from their stay.”
Topics of the annual forum, including workforce retention, funding opportunities, cyber security and budgeting and planning, will be highlighted throughout TUFF. All USET Tribal Utility supervisors, managers, finance, planners and economic development staff members are encouraged to attend either in-person or virtually through the Attendee Website. Those interested in registering can RSVP here, and reservations through the Paragon Casino Resort can be booked by calling (800) 642-7777.