Tunica-Biloxi and Acacia Entertainment Recognized By National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center

The latest issue of Restoration Magazine by National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center shows some familiar faces from the Tunica-Biloxi tribe! The issue features the Tribe along with our Economic Development Corporation Acacia Filmed Entertainment following our recognition as philanthropists at the 2017 NIWRC Fundraiser.

This honor follows the success of the film, Wind River which shines a light on important issues in Native American communities.

“Wind River brings to the public spotlight the harsh reality and heartbreak of the issues of missing and murdered Native women and girls. We thank Taylor Sheridan, the film’s writer and director, and Acacia Filmed Entertainment, an entity of the Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe, for this amazing contribution. Wind River opens the door for our movement to educate across Indian tribes and nationally by answering the questions posed by the film.”

To view the full issue, click here. 

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