Tunica-Biloxi Education Program Hosts Two Upcoming Events

Dancing with the Ava-Tars

About: Dr. George Williams will conduct a series of STE(A)M sessions to familiarize participants with the technology and skills necessary for motion and movement in Deep HoriXon (Virtual 3D environment). Explore various career opportunities in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science. Discover the basics of programming and apply these concepts to creating an algorithm for a dance performance. Learn how to use mathematical x, y, z coordinates to build a trophy for the dance performance in the virtual 3D world. Participate as a team to plan and present a dance performance.

Session dates:

Thursday,  November 5th  6:00pm – Orientation
Saturday, November 7th  10:00am – Deep HoriXon
Thursday, December 10th 6:00pm –  Project Trouble Shooting
Saturday, November 14th 10:00am – Deep HoriXon
Saturday, December 7th 10:00am – Deep HoriXon
Saturday, December 12th 10:00am – Deep HoriXon (Dance Off Competition and Trophy)

Sign up today here.

Painting on the Geaux

A series of virtual painting sessions to promote project-based learning and family-building opportunities in which students gain an introduction to the fine arts pathway.  Art supplies will be provided.  Join in for this fun and creative activity…

Session dates:

Saturday, November 21, 2020  10:00am – 11:00am
Saturday, December 19, 2020 10:00am – 11:00am
Saturday, January 9, 2020 10:00am – 11:00am

Sign up today here.

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