Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana website

The Language & Culture Revitalization Program (LCRP) page of the tribal website offers an overview of the department and an overview of programming. At this link, you may download a copy of the LCRP annual events calendar.

LCRP Facebook

Join the Facebook community to like and follow LCRP to stay informed of the latest event updates at the CERC Library and on the Tunica-Biloxi Reservation. Here, you may also browse, share or comment on past event photos and videos.

LCRP YouTube

Subscribe to LCRP YouTube channel to view prerecorded Tunica language lessons, past event videos, and entertaining video clips in Tunica.

Tunica Language Class on Quizlet

Quizlet is a free online study tool that was released to the public in January 2007. Since then, over 60 million user-generated flashcard sets have been created by more than 20 million registered users. Quizlet can be accessed from any computer or mobile device. Download Quizlet to your mobile device. LCRP invites all language learners and their families to join Tunica Language Class on Quizlet to study at home and on the go.

Tunica Language Project wordpress

The Tunica Language Project wordpress provides an overview of projects completed, as well as ongoing, by Kuhpani Yoyani Luhchi Yoroni (KYLY, “Tunica Language Project Working Group”). Here, you will find abstracts from the 2014 Conference on Language Revitalization held at Tulane University in New Orleans. Under Publications, you will find a bibliography of papers completed by members of KYLY on Tunica grammar and language revitalization. This site is managed by Tulane University graduate students.


Also managed by Tulane University graduate students, Tunica Rebirth on Tumblr features quirky memes inspired by Tunica vocabulary.

Tunica Games created by Andrew Abdalian

In 2016, graduate student of Tulane University Andrew Abdalian created Tunica Games to help language learners practice the numbers, colors and vowel elision rules of the Tunica language. Play your favorite game, keep track of your score and try to beat your best streak.

Yanatame Nisa Luhchi Yoroni Tunica-English Dictionary

Yanatame Nisa Luhchi Yoroni, the new Tunica Language Dictionary is currently available online and contains over 3,000 entries. Users may perform a quick search or an advanced search. Learn about the orthography or “alphabet” and abreviations used throughout the dictionary. Browse the dictionary by each letter on the Tunica-English side or English-Tunica side. Also, try browsing by semantic domains. Letters not found on standard mobile device keyboards are available on the main page above the search box.

Ethnologue (Languages of the World): Tunica

The Ethnologue documents the known status of languages from around the world and cites Online Audiovisual Catalogers (OLAC) resources relating to those languages. On February 21, 2017, in celebration of International Mother Tongue Day, Ethnologue released their 20th Edition. The status of Tunica, formerly considered “extinct”, has since been reclassified by Ethnologue as a reawakening language. The reclassification of Tunica marks the acknowledgement by the linguistic community of current revitalization efforts put forth by the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe and KYLY.

The Endangered Languages Project

Similar to Ethnologue, the Endangered Languages Project documents the status, and cites publications including OLAC resources related to languages of the world, especially those with decreasing numbers of speakers. The project is managed by First Peoples’ Cultural Council and the Endangered Languages Catalogue/Endangered Languages Project (ELCat/ELP) team at University of Hawai’i at Mānoa in coordination with the Governance Council. The website interface of the Endangered Language Project provides opportunity for the dissemination of community-developed language resources. The Tunica entry currently provides a description of work being completed by KYLY and offers a bibliography of Tunica publications.

American Philosophical Society Digital Library

On the American Philosophical Society Digital Library website, you can search for photos and manuscripts from the 1930 and 1940s of Linguist Mary Haas, Anthropologist Frank Speck, and Archaeologist Robert Stuart Neitzel which are associated with the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe.

California Language Archive

On the California Language Archive website, users may browse unpublished works related to the Tunica language as well as recordings from the 1930s created by Mary Haas of Sesotrie Youchigant singing and speaking in Tunica.


Users may browse the Smithsonian collections online for photos, manuscripts and cultural items such as baskets associated with the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe.

Tunica-Biloxi 2025 Pow Wow, More Details Soon