Tunica-Biloxi Education Department

Tunica-Biloxi Education Department


The Tunica-Biloxi Tribe received the 2020 Indian Children & Youth Program: Accessing Choices in Education (ACE) grant from the US Department of Education. Our grant project is entitled Tunica-Biloxi Education Program (TBEP) to Improve Academic Success & Career Readiness. The grant allows the Tribe to expand educational services to tribal youth in grades K-12 and provide in-person and virtual services regardless of residence as well as fund the providers needed to enact those services. 

Goal 1: Tribal Youth
Improve Tunica-Biloxi tribal student academic performance by increasing educational choices from a comprehensive pool of culturally appropriate education services and service providers.

Goal 2: Tribal Parents
Increase educational choices for parents by providing a comprehensive pool of culturally appropriate education services and service providers.

Goal 3: Tribal Youth with Disabilities
Support Tribal Youth with Disabilities (i.e., mental, physical, and substance abuse) in overcoming barriers to educational attainment and improving academic performance of the students.

The Education Department (TBED) has selected three parent liaisons: one from Chicago, Houston and Marksville to coordinate communication with parents of students.  Parent Liaisons will gather direct parent feedback during planning and throughout project implementation; engage parents, students, and community members in the planning and development of public information education materials; and coordinate meetings between Parents and TBED staff to ensure ongoing input on services to meet their children’s needs. Liaisons and TBED will reach out to Tunica-Biloxi families to enroll students in the program.

The ACE Grant began October 1, 2020, with a 6-month planning period to organize staffing, communications, parent input, service provider contracts, and parent selection of student services. Student services will commence April 1, 2021.

Join our quest for educational excellence and remember, Knowledge is Power!

Welcome Message from Director John Barbry

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