Tunica-Biloxi Teaches Traditional Art of Basket Weaving to Procter & Gamble’s Native American Network

On November 12th, Donna Pierite and Elisabeth Pierite Mora led members of Procter & Gamble’s Native American Network (NAN) through a 1-hour, virtual pine needle basket workshop. Through the workshop 25 P&G staff members learned the history of the craft and were led step-by-step through how to get their baskets started.

This is just one of the many ways that Tunica-Biloxi and P&G have worked together over the years. In addition to P&G donating PPE to the Tribe at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the company’s employees assisting at Tunica-Biloxi Pow Wows in the past, members of the Tunica-Biloxi Language and Culture Revitalization Program (LCRP) have visited P&G’s Alexandria plant and educated staff on Native American culture through Diversity and Inclusion Workshops.

“The partnership between the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe and the P&G NAI Team over the years has been remarkable,” said Brandon Vanderberg, P&G employee and leader of the Alexandria Plant’s Native American Network. “We are grateful for what they bring to our community. We hope to continue building this relationship for many years.”

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