Tunica-Biloxi Elder Council: The Wisdom Keepers

Elder Council: The Wisdom Keepers


Tribal Elders are considered to be the “Wisdom Keepers” of any Tribal Family.  They are the footing of strength, exuding grace, wisdom, and gentleness in their actions and words. They are the essential portal to keeping our tradition and culture alive in a world that is ever-evolving with every generation; resembling a place where wisdom and intuition converges with modern-day intelligence and knowledge.

Tribal Elders, in their own right, are our teachers of life, respect, and values.  They instill a sense of rightness, the importance of acceptance and understanding, kindness, love, and forgiveness.  Most importantly, they teach us how to be good listeners which is chief to making wise decisions.

The Elders are the core of our existence.

Onayisɛma Tayoroni-Halayihku

Onayisɛma tarusa tahɛrasɛma sɛhɛli. Sɛma haluhuni rihki tipusa tarusa wista kana yanikata. Hal’ukini kichu hishtahahkihchi pirakatiman mishtihki nisara pirakatihch onayisɛma tishuhki sahkuhta inktetimilishtihki. Hal’ukininahku kata tarusa niy’ ɔma wantaha taniyulap’ɔma ashunisa atepihk’unta.

Onayisɛma inktaworunisɛma kashi. Amari lapuya inkworuhkanta. Amari lapuya inkworuhkantaman tarusa tipusa mahka sara tirishi hamishtihki inkworuhk’anta. Tirishi hamishtihki panuhch, tawini lapusɛma niyulapuyawan inkworuhkanta.

Onayisɛma intuhki atɛhkala kichu.

Mission Statement

The Tunica-Biloxi Elders’ Council will foster an atmosphere of respect, compassion and community teamwork as an example to every tribal generation. The Council will advocate and support internally and externally the promotion of indigenous peoples’ rights and quality healthcare for all tribal members. Most importantly, the Elders’ Council will work diligently to protect, preserve, and share cultural programming for the benefit of tribal members of all ages now and in the future. We will embody “Cherishing Our Past, Building For Our Future!”


Resources & Services

2025 Calendar of Events-Click Here 

Highlights for 2025 


Click Here for 2025 Pow Wow Details!