Join us on Zoom on Tuesday, December 22nd at 6:30 p.m. CST for a special (virtual) Christmas Greeting from Tunica-Biloxi Chairman Marshall Pierite! The Chairman will take this time to give an update to the Tribe, highlight recent accomplishments and address plans moving forward into the new year. John Barby will also use this time to introduce the new U.S. Department of Education grant titled ‘Tunica-Biloxi Education Program (TBEP) to Improve Academic Success & Career Readiness.’ You don’t want to miss this special address! All of the Zoom information can be found below.
Zoom information:
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/98572261699?pwd=dlpaamMySDY0cGFHbk1JWUwwdG12Zz09
Meeting ID: 985 7226 1699
Passcode: 192155