Be You: Kylie Malveaux is a trailblazing senior who has big plans to change lives

Originally featured in The Acadiana Advocate

Kylie Nicole Malveaux is a high school senior. She will attend LSU in the fall and then plans to get a law degree and work in the family court system changing lives.

Kylie is a Native American and part of the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe, and carries her heritage proudly. She is the vice president of the tribe’s Seventh Generation Youth Council, ensuring that the culture thrives. She also works regularly in her community with the Avoylles Council on Aging and Elders Bingo Program. She was also Homecoming Queen.

This young lady is humble and driven; she is ready to take on the world and do it in her own confident, beautiful way. As she tells me, “If you want something, you have to go after it”. Kylie is doing just that. She talks with joy about the unity of the tribe and the power of knowing where you come from, and that will give her strength for all the achievements ahead.

What was your first job? Student worker at the Avoyelles Parish District Attorney Office

Describe a typical day in your life. I get up at 6:45, be at school for 7:30, finish my last class of the semester, head home for a quick snack, followed by work. I  complete my tasks and then go home and watch TV, maybe swim, talk to my friends, spend time with my family, eat dinner, have a long, relaxing bath, then bed and start over the next day!

What advice would you give the younger you? Share your toys!

What event in your life most shaped who you are now? I was attacked/mauled by my aunt’s dog (Cane Corso) had to have emergency plastic surgery to repair my mouth. I received 24 stitches; I had two separate lacerations on my lips, scratches and bruising on my nose and face and severe bruising overall. It taught me that looks aren’t everything, and that tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us. So live your life to the fullest.

What values do you live by? Treat others how you want to be treated.

What do you most appreciate? I most appreciate the support, love and commitment of my parents who work hard to provide my siblings and I so that we could be successful in life. And secondly, the love and support we receive from my grandparents.

Where is your favorite place to be alone? I’m most comfortable curled on my sofa with my ipad binge-watching my lates Netflix series, “Scandal!” And I can’t forget my heater blasting at my feet!

What living figure most inspires you? My grandmother inspires me the most. At the age of 67, she is in her second term as Mayor of the Village of Moreauville working as if she didn’t retire more than 10 years ago! She is the first Native American, African American and woman to ever be mayor in our town for more than 100 years. She does a great job and leading our town and working on behalf of the citizens.

What was the best advice you were ever given? Work hard; you can achieve anything you put your mind to and never give up.

What book would you tell everyone to read? “The Hunger Games”

What is the best thing about where you live? I live in Moreauville. Everyone literally knows everyone. There are no strangers in our town. It’s safe, quite and beautiful.

How do you “let the good times roll”? For fun, I usually enjoy swimming, hanging out with my boyfriend and friends, and shopping with my mom. Oh and purses! I love shopping for purses!

What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an attorney and family judge.

What is your motto? Go big or go home!

How would you like to be remembered? I’d like to be remembered as a female trailblazer in family court system, and also as an individual who speaks her mind and fights for what she believes in.

What three things are vital to BEing YOU? Rest, peace of mind and loving myself.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse? “Get somebody else to do it!

What is your favorite word? “Clearly”

What do you collect? Purses

What food could you live on for a month? Brownies

What would you change about yourself? I have a tendency to immediately cut people off when they have wronged me as a defense mechanism. I would listen to their side to really understand their actions that led to their decision.

What literary, movie or cartoon character do you most identify with? Tianna from the Princess and the Frog

Describe yourself in five words. Competitive, fierce, strong, motivated, happy

What is your idea of happiness? Being able to be my true self wherever I go regardless of the setting.

What is your favorite movie? “Coraline”

What music defines who you are? I enjoy listening to love songs, mainly R&B.

Who is your style icon? H.E.R

What do you most regret? I most regret doubting myself when I knew I could achieve something.

What question do you wish I’d asked? What have you accomplished in your senior year?

What would the answer be? Be selected to serve on the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe’s Seventh Generation Youth Council, being selected as vice president of the Youth Council, being nominated for Student of the Year at Avoyelles High School, representing my school as Homecoming queen, and being selected as a debutante by the Avoyelles Rotary Club.

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