A Promise from the Sun
Tayoroni-Halayihkusɛma winima hotu winkhenihalihkiti. Inkarhilani tipusaya enti hotu hɛku sihkpahitaniyu kichu rohinapokatasɛma sihkarhilahkinta. Arhilani kashi arhilahkwintawan rohinapowitiki wayitohku. Hɛku lapuhch. Tahch’ihchi ra inkniti, “Tahch’ihchi hishtahahki likat’ihch, Tonimahonisɛma hishtahaki hɛhchi ‘ɔnta.” Winima tihika namu winkyukahksiti ihkwana. Hita.
(The Tunica-Biloxi people send greetings to you all. We generously tell our stories to all of our friends reading this on their computers. In order to tell true stories, read carefully. This will be a good thing. The Sun strongly told us, “If the sun is shining, the Indian people are still here.” May many years come to you. Take care.)
Language & Culture Revitalization
The Tunica-Biloxi Tribe makes great strides to keep its culture and traditions alive. From the revitalization of the Tunica language to the many programs and events centered around Tribal traditions, Tunica-Biloxi members live out the motto – “Cherishing Our Past, Building For Our Future.”

Cultural & Educational Resource Centern (Tunica-Biloxi Historical Museum)
Plan your visit to discover the rich history and heritage of the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe at the Cultural & Educational Resource Center.
For Tribal Members
Tunica-Biloxi Tribal members: Check meeting minutes and important updates.